Gourmet coffee pods are so expensive -should we still buy them?


Gourmet coffee pods for the different variety of single serve coffee makers are in high demand. Partly fuel by our ever deepening caffeine addiction but mostly driven by the sleek marketing from single serve companies, like Nespresso, Senseo etc.

Of course, one cannot deny the convenience given to us by these gourmet coffee pods. So, what type of convenience had they bestowed on us?

Consider this, a good espresso has to be produced with 45 ml of filtered water at a temperature of 90 degree celius and forced through a tamp good coffee ground of about 7 to 9 gram. And there has to be a pressure of 60 kg applied per square inch for approximately 25 seconds.

Sure, there are lots of espresso machines that are fully and even super automatic -but what are the pricing like?

Unfortunately, it is also because of the pricing that something

"not so right" was being done. From the place that I am from, piracy thrived! No...these are not Jack sparrow or any folks from Black Pearl but merchants that flouted the trademark regulation to copy and sell items cheaply.

The "not so right" thing is to make your own pods or pads, particularly the senseo which has taken the coffee community by storm. People came out with many justifications on why they want to "customized" their own pods or in the case of senseo -pads. (** Senseo coffee might not be espresso per se, but they are close in terms of aroma and flavor)

Some said they wanted to make their own coffee pods because they have some left over coffee from the previous machine, then some do not like the selection of the brew offered by the machine company,

(maybe they never heard of K-cup?)

Questions on how to make coffee without machine. 

How to use a coffee sock

Apa yang dimaksud dengan v60 coffee

What are the essential V60 Coffee Brewing Tools

How to make Cold Brew Coffee?

Learn about these brewing methods and more in our free coffee brewing class

some wanted to have free trade coffee and the list goes on.

The most important reason which everyone would bring out is the high pricing of these gourmet coffee pods. Sure, they are expensive, but given my highlight on the complicated nature of getting a good espresso and how they have compressed it all into a single pod and all you need to do is a push of button, don't you think it is fair pricing?

Turkish bridegrooms were once required to make a promise during their wedding ceremonies to always provide their new wives with coffee. If they failed to do so, it was grounds for divorce!

Imagine making your own senseo


or melitta pods

, what would be the consequences? At best, it would be lousy quality of coffee because other than good coffee, many factors comes into play. Remember, how a head would pop up or you can hear people coughing when you watch "pirated" movies? Making "pirated" pods are similar to that -the taste can never be the same as the original.

If you have customized your own line of gourmet coffee pods, any machine's guarantee are void and there would definitely be problems like coffee grains stuck in machine, coffee grains stuck in the bottom of coffee pod/pad holder etc. And in some cases -the machines even exploded.

Because I don't agreed with the method of customizing your own pods, I would not show you how to get it done. But, I would tell you that some methods that are not to be tried (Yes, there is a safe way to do it) because it can really break your machine in a big way!

Pouring the coffee ground into the coffee pod/pad holder is an absolute no-no. Only 1 thing would happened, and that is the explosion of your machine.

Then, there is a procedure of creating gourmet coffee pods using 2 separate filters. Then inserting it into the holder -it would not work. Because the coffee ground would float when the water is jet into the holder, it would stop floating when these coffee ground block the bottom of the holder.

Some would even try using other companies pods/pads for the one he/she has purchased. It would not work as engineers has designed it to be exclusive.

Never mind, use the real pods but replaced the coffee grains inside! Sounds simple, until it comes to the stage of re-sealing it. So nay, you would not get your cuppa this way too.

My advice? Coffee drinking is an experience and thought should be given prior to buying any machines (high in investment). And do a thorough research before any purchase.

The senseo looks great, but ultimately if it is Nespresso that you enjoy drinking -you should get the latter! Don't you think it is tiring and so troublesome to beat the system by making your own pods?

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