Best filter coffee maker must be able to brew and keep coffee fresh to deserve this title!

Best filter coffee maker comes to my mind as I was thinking, everyone wants a piece of best "something", so why not filter coffee maker? I believed whenever coffee maker reviews cover this topic, it would usually be on price, for me to be the best, it would have to fit my lifestyle.


I think the best filter coffee maker must deliver value that is within one's budget, rather than be the lowest priced coffee makers around. And on that note, I would like to highlight the Wolfgang Puck programmable grind and brew coffee maker.

Oh, at this point, if you want ton know more about filter coffee maker, then this link might be able to answer some of that query...

Some say this is the best drip coffee maker 2018

You would laugh you head off if I tell you the reason that I choose the Wolfgang Puck to be the best filter coffee maker. I was brainstorming on a coffee maker that requires the least maintenance, i.e. no need to change filter basket and stuff. And sure enough, with its permanent coffee filter, Wolfgang Puck is a fit to the T!

Of course, Wolfgang Puck packs more value than that. To deserved the title of "best", Wolfgang Puck coffee brewer adds value in terms of convenience, freshness and easy fit.

Scratching your head on the easy fit portion? This is a variable that most if not all coffee makers are striving to do currently. Check out any coffee makers, do you see a plain looking one? In fact with some models, they even have multiple color to blend in with your kitchen design.

Not your typical Courts Coffee maker, but this brewer is pretty good. 

With its programmable brewing, you can determine what time you want your coffee to be made and even have the Wolfgang Puck waking you up for the coffee. Then, the pause and brew allows you to enjoy a cuppa anytime easily without any burnt taste.

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However, the most important value that Wolfgang Puck has and allows it to be the best filter coffee maker is the freshness that it gives to your coffee. It comes with a grinding chamber that allows you to grind your freshly roasted beans. From grind to brew in mere minutes ensure the freshest cup of coffee.

Of course, it also allows you the options of using grounds instead of coffee beans, opening more variety and blends that you can try. Then, it enhances its value of freshness, by providing a thermal carafe.

I repeat myself so many times, and here I come again -regardless of how fresh your coffee is, it would be stale in minutes, anyone that can keep it fresh for hours, should be applauded.

And here, we applauded Wolfgang Puck by giving it the best filter coffee maker title . For the freshness that it brews and is able to keep, it rightly deserves the title...

Coffee makers, grinders, roasters and many more can be found at our homepage

Featured coffee brewing method: How to prepare V60 Coffee

Previously: Making Coffee with a Coffee Sock

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