Ratings of Newco OCS-12 and Melitta BCM-4 Brewer Coffee Makers

by Sean

Ratings of Newco OCS-12 and Melitta BCM-4 Brewer Coffee Makers

Ratings of Newco OCS-12 and Melitta BCM-4 Brewer Coffee Makers

Well, I'm gonna give ratings for some coffee makers that aren't mentioned that are both pricey and cheap.

The Newco OCS-12 Coffee Maker is pretty pricey. Around $230, so yeah. Automatic drip, timer, thermal, no disappointments though, despite the price. So it's definitely worth checking out if you can spare the cash. I'd give this a 4/5.

The Melitta BCM-4 Brewer, on the other hand, is very affordable. Only $25. If your household only has 2 people who drink coffee, it's worth trying. 4 cups, auto drip. Can be used manually too. Very good value. I'd give this a 4/5 too.

So 2 coffee makers on opposing ends of the price spectrum. Both are really good. But depends on what you're looking for in a coffee maker.

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