If you trace back on how many bunn coffee brewer we had in our lifetime, I guess this is our 4th Bunn

by Willy

Bunn NHB

Bunn NHB

If you trace back on how many bunn coffee brewer we had in our lifetime, I guess this is our 4th Bunn.

The first lasted over 20 years, until it eventually gave out. Not bad for a good priced machine.

We got a good price, although Bunn are more expensive if you really compare its prices on other coffee makers.

This one is a beauty, takes up less room, has two features that are new for us. You can switch off the water heater when go out of the house which me and my wife usually do.

The top cover also slides, and when it is slid open holds the water poured in so that it does not start sending the coffee into the carafe until you are ready.

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