I love these pods coffee maker, especially the bunn my cafe MCP pourover coffee maker

by Yuri

bunn my cafe MCP pourover coffee maker

bunn my cafe MCP pourover coffee maker

I really love using my bunn my cafe MCP pourover coffee maker. I somewhat fell in love with these pods coffee maker.

First of all, they are very easy to use and they do not have all those complicated buttons you have to set to get your coffee tasting right.

All I want for a coffee maker is a no-nonsense maker that is easy to use. When I wake up in the morning, I set my coffee maker to make coffee for me and my wife and after getting dressed, I like to drink my coffee while reading the papers.

This Bunn My Café fits all my requirements. I would also like to add that this coffee maker is very easy to clean and it takes just a little space on my countertop.

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