I love my Bosch Coffee Maker

by Eli
(Boston, USA)

I am a Bosch fan. I have been a loyal purchaser or Bosch products over the years and after my coffee maker retired from life I bought the Bosch TKA 2831 Coffee Maker. I decided that I did not want to put out an abundance of money for a coffee maker but I did not want to get a brand other than the Bosch.

The TKA 2831 has been the best coffee make and it was cheap. It brews a hot, hot cup of coffee. This model is more compact which is great for my small kitchen space. This is idea for a bachelor like myself. Low maintenance and care needed. It has a filter which is easy to replace. The features are very simple, no programming involved.

If you are shopping for a cheap Bosch coffee maker look no further, mine cost a little over $100.00.

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