I find it really funny when people use meat grinders to grind their coffee beans

by Yoj

 meat grinder

meat grinder

I find it really funny when people use meat grinders to grind their coffee beans.

First of all, I must say that meat grinder is supposed to to be used only for meat, thus the name.

Also, I have seen a friend of mine do it one time and his grounds did not come out to be uniformly ground.

So, this will only pose a problem once you brew coffee and it will greatly affect the taste of you coffee.

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Nov 17, 2021
Wrong again coffee snobs NEW
by: Kelly

I have a vintage (hand) meat grinder from my grandfather's locker (post war). I have ground a multitude of dehydrated foods including peppers and coffee ☕ beans. I have many grinding plates and you could be correct that MOST do not do a very good job. Where the mistake is made is not a fine enough grinding plate. Try to be a little more flexible like " I've never seen it work" instead of "it can't be done". I use mine in a pressure espresso machine. It grinds super fine. 👌

Nov 03, 2015
Bad idea NEW
by: Donald

Well you have pointed out to an important fact here. The blades inside meat grinder is only designed to grind meat. So when we use the same to grind coffee beans the blade will get damage soon and neither will get perfectly powdered.
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Jul 01, 2015
I have Seen this!! NEW
by: Ben Tom

HAHA! Of course you are right. It really feels funny. I have seen a number of people original orkopina who use meat grinders to grind their coffee beans. I think they need to get a good coffee bean grinder.

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