The Melitta Grinder CG-1

by kathkins
(Fremont, California)

The CG-1 Melitta Grinder

The CG-1 Melitta Grinder

I've owned my CG-1 grinder for years and now want another one to backup this one. I know it will quit on me one day, and I don't want to have to scramble to find another just like it, possibly going days without my morning cup of freshly ground coffee brew.

So if anyone knows where I can find a NEW one, please let me know, okay? I appreciate it. great story about coffee grinders: This grinder has lasted me years and years, and it grinds coffee with a simple push of a large button thingie.

I think it has lasted this long with no need for sharpening, no need of a tuneup, because I shake it now and then as it grinds.

Not me, the grinder. -) I shake it every few seconds allowing the motor (I guess) to take a break through thicker and thicker grounds.

I like my coffee rich and dark, so I always grind the beans for at least a minute, sometimes even longer...sometimes to a powder, which makes the bestest richest deepest darkest coffee you can imagine! Ouu yeah!

And so you have it.

Help me find another CG-1 please.

And thankz!


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Mar 31, 2016
Melitta CG-1 The Best Coffee Grinder NEW
by: Dianne Simpson

Enjoyed the comments from a year ago.

I too have concern that my sweet little coffee grinder will one day up & quit. In use for 30 years, I worry our local small appliance repairman will retire just before grinder does...

I love my cup of coffee very rich, so I too give it a good shake, stop and run a round tip butter knife around the inner edge of the reservoir, give another few seconds grind, perfect very fine ground.


Mar 31, 2015
Best little grinder NEW
by: Anonymous

I wish that Melitta would put those grinders back on the market.
I have repaired the cord on mine and it works just like the day we bought it. Somewhere along the way I think it was dropped and has a couple of slight cracks in the housI think mine is close to 20 yrs old.
I like my french roast strong so I grind the bean like I was making espresso.
If anyone hears of this grinder being on the market please contact me.


Oct 25, 2013
melitta cg-1 NEW
by: jim

Just bought an almost new one for $3 at Goodwill. I also grind to powder and shake.

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