Have to be the best coffee maker singapore ever has brought in

by Maveric

Mypressi Twist

Mypressi Twist

Have to be the best coffee maker singapore ever has brought in and I am very thanful that singapore has considered to have the mypressi twist as one of the best portable coffee makers in the market today.

I have been a long time bunn and keurig user, though now I am living alone, I prefer a smaller coffee machine, something that will be able to make amazing coffee yet at the same time leave a small foot print in my kitchen counter. This are some of my requirements.

Also, I want something that I can bring along with me during my trips abroad or out of the city trips as I usually drink many espresso in my room and ordering it from the coffee shop is a waste of money.

But the only problem is that the many coffee makers are really big and not really portable to fit in a bag.

With the mypressi twist, I have found a coffee maker that will literally fit in your pocket and yet produce an espresso that is top caliber.

I am thankful that I was able to buy this in Singapore.

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Jun 30, 2015
Great Product NEW
by: Harry Nelson

I have always thought about that. I mean, this machine has never failed to affordable cleaning services impress me. I have always found that the machine offers me the best coffee. It is free of any hard core maintenance and it is easy to maintain.

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