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We promised a free report on every coffee maker, here is the first...
April 10, 2011

Here is wishing all a Happy Easter day!:) Things happen so fast and although this is the first issue of the year, it is already April (so you know we are not always sending stuff to you!).

Here is what we have been doing:

1. Revamp the whole "look and feel" of oncoffeemakers

2. Beef up our content section, i.e. the various brands (more on it at "About Coffee Makers").

3. Started a video channel on youtube

4. Negotiating for more freebies and promotions for our readers!:)

We promised and we deliver

In our last issue, we told you that we are going to compile e-reports on the various coffee makers, so that you can keep it and the next time round, it would make shopping easier.

And here is your first free report on Krups. It covers most of Krups coffee machine, so if you know of anyone shopping for Krups, this would be one good resource:

Download it here: Krups coffee maker e-report

About coffee makers

We have done major revamp with regards to content for Krups, and we would like to have your feedback.

Other than the string of content on the bottom of the page, we have include reviews on the right side. Our usual style of review was more lassie faire, the right hand side is more serious and more conventional, feedback to us if you find it useful or prefer the usual ways.

Revamp of krups coffee maker

About Coffee Business

This is the section that used to be coffee news, other than renaming it, we would be sharing tools that one can use if they are running their coffee shops or cafe.

Coffee News

The battle for Single serve coffee supremacy

Survey: More people drinking coffee, especially the younger generation

Instant coffee is huge business -do you like it?

More news here

Useful Tools

I think one of the best tool before starting a coffee shop is to evaluate your thought process. On that, we compile a SAQ, also known as Should Asked Questions.

A set of questions one should asked before operating a coffee shop.

Check it out here: SAQ questions for coffee shop**

**Although, the content focus on Singapore F&B scene, it should applies to your area as well

Coming Soon

We are in the midst of negotiating for freebies and promotions to be included in a contest that we hope to run during Summer time.

Look forward to more information in our ezine or facebook.

In addition, we would be launching a few new products for coffee shops or cafe owners, so folks that are interested, keep peeled or you can contact us for more information if you really cannot wait!;0

Connect with us

Yes, we admit, the ezine can be slow at times. Sometimes, only 1 issue every two months. And for those that cannot wait to be updated via our ezine.

Please connect with us on our two newest channels:

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